Is the Lockdown ”Covid Epidemic Having a Serious Impact on Children
” There are very few cases where children have serious problems with the coronavirus The death toll among them is also low? But they are the ones who have been the biggest victims of covid.
Harassment during the lockdown has plagued children with psychological problems caused by a state of indifference to their well-being. Experts say the covid epidemic has irreparably damaged the future.
The fact is that the closure of schools has crippled the education of children. But schools cannot be seen as mere places of learning. They are centers for the mental and physical development of children.
Schools are places that help families get out of the psychological problems they face because of the difficulties they face. ” We have closed the lives of children by closing schools“, said Russell Winer, a professor, and president of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health. He was speaking at a meeting of the Education Select Committee chaired by British MPs in early January.
Professor Winer said the corona caused many side effects on children, starting with loneliness and lack of sleep.
Also, school closures are not the only problem for children. The loss of employment due to corona has had a direct and indirect impact on children putting pressure on various families.
Counseling for loneliness in England has increased by at least 10% in recent years, according to childline service statistics from the National Society for the prevention of cruelty to children (NSPCC).
‘Never before has there been such a devastating impact’ said‘, Neil Homer, who has been with the service since 2009. “I am just happy to be free. I suffer from loneliness. I am helpless without any thoughts” – this problem that a sixteen-year-old boy called the helpline and said. NSPCC Childline revealed that they have received many such calls.
Increased Psychological Problems
Numerous surveys and reports have shown that corona can have a profound effect on a child’s mental state. The report ‘The Mental Health of Children and Young People in England-2020” has come out with sensational contact.
A study of 3,000 children found that one in six 16-year-olds had mental health problems. A report released three years earlier revealed that one in every nine people had similar problems.
The children said problems in the family had affected them, distanced themselves from friends and struggled with loneliness, and were severely frightened of the virus.
Jonathan Townsend of the Princess Trust said young people were more concerned than ever before. “ It made them lose hope in the future
“, he added.
Impact on Growth
The situation is no different, not only for teenagers over the age of sixteen but also for children and infants. The first three years of age play a vital role in the mental and physical development of a human being.
This is also known as the 1,001-day agenda. If little girls get into trouble at this age it will have an impact on them for the rest of their lives.
Many nurses who go from house to house in England and monitor the growth and development of children have become Covid Frontline Warriors. As a result, their visit to children, who care about the good and bad, have dropped by half in some areas.
Due to social distance, parents have tried to get all such services only online. The lack of opportunities for children to interact with society has had an impact on their maturity.
Alison Morton, head of the Institute of Health Visiting, said the Covid effect had a significant impact on children.
Divyangs in Captivity
If there were one million paralyzed people in England, one in every ten would be immobile. The corona epidemic had a serious impact on such people and their families.
Some paraplegics with immobile conditions require the assistance of medical personnel on a regular basis. But as many nurses and medical staff went to frontline duties, paralysis was disrupted.
“The paralyzed children are somehow taken hostage because of the situation“, said Dame Christine Lenehan. She is a director of the council of Disabled children. “Many of them are out of school‘, he said.
Half of the disabled are unable to access online education. Lenehan believes that even those with disabilities who are able to work independently are embarrassed.
Harassment of minors
Corona has been shown to increase child abuse during the lockdown period. Between April and September last year, the Council of Child Deaths and Incidents of serious Home reported 285 complaints of child abuse and sexual harassment in England.
These are about 25% more than the cases registered at the same time in the previous year.
However, Anne Longfield, the children’s commissioner in England, commented that this was a visible angle and that there were many invisible aspects and events.
She says she has not received many reports from social workers, medical staff, and school nurses on such incidents, and that the number is still high. Given this, she believes the real impact is incalculable.
It has been estimated that up to 20 million children have been sexually abused domesticated, drugged, and mentally abused in part of England and Wales since before the corona epidemic.
Social activities are concerned that it will definitely increase during the corona lockdown.
Longfield revealed that only one of three children in England is able to receive treatment for mental health problems. She said the lockdown also had an impact on this kind of medical cooperation.
Anne Longfield said there was a need to look after children during corona lockdown. She called them the biggest victims at the time.
However, Sunil Bhopal refutes this claim. He is the chairman of the International Health Group, which works on child health in poor, middle-class countries.
Bhopal said it was true that the girls were a bit embarrassed but they would get out of such situations. However, Sunil admitted that it is difficult for a child to grow up in a world where ”playing with friends is forbidden’.
“I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that children and their families are under the ban,” said Sunil Bhopal.